Common Conditions Caused By Blood Clotting Disorders

Haemorrhage: A person with difficulty in clotting will experience excessive loss of blood after an injury. Hemophilic people may also suffer bleeding in the brain, within joints, and even vital organs.

Deep Venous Thrombosis: This is when a blood clot is situated in a deep vein of the body, especially the legs. It is accompanied by swelling, pain, soreness, and warm limbs amongst others.

Pulmonary embolism: This is the state of having blood clots occluding the pulmonary artery. A thrombus in lung vessels may cause severe respiratory symptoms. Some of them are breathlessness, dizziness, sweating, coughing with bloody mucus, sweating, and fainting.

Abdominal symptoms: If the clot is located in the abdomen vessels, you may experience abdominal pains, vomiting, diarrhoea, and blood in stool. This is seen in conditions like ischemic colitis or acute mesenteric ischaemia.

Heart attack: If blood clot is thrown in the vessels that supply the heart muscles, the person can suffer heart attack. Such a person may experience chest pain and shortness of breath. Other symptoms are pain or discomfort in the shoulder, neck, and jaw.

Stroke: The brain is the most oxygen-sensitive organ of the body. If a clot hinders blood from circulating round it, this could cause a stroke. Its symptoms include sudden blurring of vision, seizures, weakness, speech difficulty, partial or complete loss of sensation in the face, arm, leg, or any half of your body.

People at risk of blood clots

A person is at higher risk of forming unwarranted clots if they;

Are overweight

Have family history of clotting disorders


Take oral contraceptives

Have a liver disease

Are above 60

Have a fracture in their lower extremities

Have congestive heart failure

Are immobile or work jobs that keep them seated for long hours

Have some types of cancer

Have COVID-19

Have atherosclerosis

Have hypertension.

Test to diagnose blood clotting disorders

A diagnostic test for clotting disorders measures prothrombin time, partial thromboplastin time, and platelet tests.

Book Healthtracka’s Clotting Profile Test and experience an optimal testing experience.

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